Wednesday, June 20, 2007

32 Weeks

Time sure is flying by...I am 32 weeks along already! We had our 32 week Dr.'s appointment today and everything seems to be progressing the way it should be. Her heartbeat is strong and as of right now her head is in the down position. I kind of figured that because she is a very active little girl and I mostly feel her moving around on the top right side of my belly (right in the ribs). So I was right about it being her feet and knees that I feel nudging me all the time. As far my measurements go, my belly measured at 32 cm and I have put on 22.2 lbs. I do have to admit that so far I have been fairly lucky because most of my weight is all in my belly (and bust for that matter). But I have also noticed it in my cheeks, my ankles (yes, I officially have cankles now), and the weirdest spot of armpits. I actually have chubby armpits! I was a little concerned about it so I asked my Dr. about it today and she said it can be normal. They are just getting ready for the whole breastmilk process. I was relieved for her to say that because I thought it was pretty weird myself. Overall, I am still feeling pretty good. It is has been a really hot summer here already but I think I have been handling the heat alright. Everywhere I go for work is air conditioned and I just blast the AC when I get back in my car. The heat and the extra lbs. have slowed me down a little bit but not too bad, I can deal with it. Over the past few weeks I have really noticed how big she is getting, especially when I am sitting down. Like I mentioned before, she kicks me a lot in the right ribs, so driving can get uncomfortable after awhile but as soon as I stand it feels better. Oh, and in the last few weeks my belly button has popped so I now have a little bit of an outy. She also has been great entertainment for Brad and I. At night we love to just sit and watch my belly move all around. Sometimes I will have something bony sticking out and sometimes she moves her whole body so much that my entire belly rolls around. It might not sound like that much fun to watch, but we sure do think it is.

We haven't done too much more to the nursery yet. Brad did build in some shelves and another rod to hang her clothes and it looks great. It is going to be so fun to organize everything and hang up all of her cute little outfits. Good thing she has a big closet because she sure does have a lot of clothes already. Our hutch for the changing table is in but we haven't had a chance to pick it up yet. We also ordered our glider/ottoman and that should be here in a few weeks. I will post some pictures of the nursery once everything starts coming together.

Here are some 32 week pics of me and my big belly! By the way, I really feel cheesy posing for these pictures but I know people enjoy watching us grow and it will be fun to have and look back at the progression over the months. In fact, I just went back and looked at my 16 and 20 week pics and it cracked me up that I said I had "popped" because I obviously didn't know how much I really was going to "pop" I do.

Back to lounging on our porch - one of my favorite spots


Anonymous said...

you look so beautiful babe! love mom

Stephanie said...

you look great brooke---hope the heat breaks for you--gotta love the AC. I was preggo the same time last summer, it can make you feel all swollen even when you aren't. Hang in there!

Mom and Dad Spindler said...

You look Healthy and Happy....enjoy your screen porch, so little Miss Spind will be here. Love yah

Abby said...

So cute! You must take a new pic every two weeks now that you and the baby are growing so fast. Hopefully the end will go quickly :) and little Beyonce will come out 10 days early and weigh 7 lb 8 oz (ahh- perfection:) Can't wait!
Love you guys- all 3 of you