Tuesday, April 22, 2008

8 Months Old!

8 months old is so much fun! It is just such a great age! It seems like she is learning something new everyday. She's learned so many new tricks this past month. She raises her arms over her head for "big girl", waves bye-bye, plays peek-a-boo with her blanket, shakes her head for "no, no, no", claps, and rests her head down when you say "night, night". My mom taught her most of the tricks while we were gone to Jamaica and we've just continued to work with her. Of course she doesn't do her tricks all the time, she has to be in the right mood. My mom also tried to teach her to say Gramma which she couldn't quite do but Rylee did learn to say "emm" so that's Gramma in my mom's head. She still mostly just says dadada and a few other squealing noises. Rylee also started feeding herself puffs this month. The first time we gave them to her she made some funny faces but then she quickly decided she liked them and she likes to feed herself. I am done nursing now. I was kind of sad to stop, I really enjoyed nursing and am thankful that we got to have that experience together. I gradually stopped and was down to just nursing her at night time and then the last time was the night before we went to Jamaica. We have been going through my frozen milk very quickly now but have also started using formula too. We'll probably have to go to all formula by 9 months. Rylee doesn't seem to mind at all although I think she spits up more now with the formula. Or it could be from the fact that she is on her belly all the time. She has mastered army crawling. She uses her elbows and knees to get her around wherever she needs to go. She hasn't really tried crawling with her hands, right now she prefers her elbows which is fine with us. We don't have baby gates up yet but we'll have to purchase them pretty soon. We are really excited that the weather is finally nice now and we can go outside! Rylee loves going for walks and hanging out outside with all the neighborhood kids. It's going to be a fun spring!

Hanging out on our front porch

She still has her chubby cheeks (they are just so darn kissable)

She LOVES going for walks in her stroller

Her shy smile

"Big Girl"

Since she started doing "big girl" she has realized she has hair. It's cute to watch her play with it.

"Bye Bye"
I took these pictures at 8 months which is now about 2 weeks ago. Sorry it took me so long to get them up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Brooke! Rylee is getting so big! Still such a doll :) I'm sad that I wasn't able to make it up to the UP this past weekend to see you all and attend Vanessa's shower. Hopefully we'll see each other sometime soon :)

Take care,
