Tuesday, July 31, 2007

38 Weeks - Only 2 more til her due date!

Only 14 more days...and really it could be any day now! Brad and I are so excited, yet a little anxious and nervous too. Everynight we go to bed thinking maybe tomorrow will be the big day, the day we get to meet our daughter! It really is a crazy feeling and hard to put in words.

We had our 38 week appointment this morning and again everything looks good. We don't have any new news though cause my Dr. didn't do an internal exam, but they will do one next week. So we don't know if I am dilated yet or thinning anymore, but we do know that she is still head down, kicking around, and has a strong heartbeat. Our Dr. said at this point it is just a waiting game and we just have to sit back and wait til Baby Spins decides it's time. Easier said than done.

Amazingly, I am still feeling pretty good. Since she dropped (which was somewhere around 36 weeks) my ribs have been feeling so much better. For a good 2 weeks there (34 and 35) they were really sore from her constantly kicking me up there. Now they feel great! I also am still sleeping through the night for the most part. I usually have to get up around once a night now to go to the bathroom but usually that is it. A new thing that just started this week is that my belly is really itchy. It's not dry skin I think it is just stretched to the max. It might have something to do with the heat. The past few days have been really hot and humid and it is supposed to stay that way for awhile. It's not good for my poor ankles and toes. By the time I get home from work they are pretty swollen - not too pretty. At least I get to come home and relax in the air conditioning. People keep asking me if I have experienced any Braxton Hicks yet and I still haven't. I thought maybe I would be this point. I asked my Dr. about it today and she said that not everyone has them so maybe that's my case. She said my first contractions that I might feel could be the real things...we'll see.

Well, Brad and I are going to enjoy some ice cream now and then get to bed. We've got to get our rest while we can. Here's my pics from today.

Check out how far my belly and belly button stick out!


Anonymous said...

gorgeous babe....can't wait till the big you (soon to be gramma):)

Abby said...

Can you believe how big that belly can get? I'm so glad you still feel good. we are really excited to meet her. It will be so fun for Beyonce and Beau to play together- those names sound good :) Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Hi Brooke, Nichole sent me your link. I am glad that all is well with parents and baby! It is so hard to believe that you girls are grown up and having babies of your own! I know what great parents you will be (since you had such great parents yourselves).
Take care, I am excited for you!!
Carol N

Anonymous said...

BROOKE & BRAD... our bags our packed and our oil is changed... we even have treats for the car! CAN'T WAIT for the BIG day!
:::: you are STILL looking beautiful, I LOVE you sooo much!
love, auntie ness