Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Watching Football with Mom and Dad

We had a pretty quiet weekend around here so we didn't do too much besides watch a lot of football. Saturday we watched NMU play on our computer. All their home games are live on the internet so we get to watch them instead of just listening on the radio - it's great. NMU played a great game but unfortunately they had another heartbraker and lost to Hillsdale by 1: 42-41.

Watching the game with Mom

Watching the game with Dad

Sunday we also all watched the Packer game together. She slept for most of it but she was up to see them win at the end. She was all happy and then we realized why. She had her first blowout - right up the back end of her diaper and all over her Packer outfit.

Sleeping during the game

All smiles after the game (and her blowout)


Jaclynn said...

Football and blowouts...that's my girl! :) Love it!

Abby said...

What a pretty baby she is... She's smiling already too -v.advanced :) Can't wait to see her.

Anonymous said...

sooooooo cute my grandbaby is...and you are starting her off with football, just like we did with you....I want that picture in the nmu hat for dad's office...littlest fan! Can't wait til the Ferris game when we can see her again...and you guys too of you mom

bernie said...

Great pictures!Love my little girl in her football gear. Grandpa's team is going to win a game for her soon. If not she's going to play DB. Love all my girls