Monday, May 26, 2008

9 Months - A Month of Milestones

Standing up like a big girl!

It's so nice to spend time outside finally!


Checking out her shadow

Looking for the ducks in the pond. Her hair is getting a little longer but mostly just thicker and lighter.

She is so afraid of the grass (as you can see by her facial expression). She hates the feeling of the grass on her legs and feet.

Month 8 to 9 was a month full of milestones. She mastered her army crawling and even started to do the "real" crawl every once in a while. She goes all over the place now. I'll put her down in the living room with her toys and then I'll go into the kitchen and she'll follow me out there. We've got to be careful now!

Army crawling

My two front teeth!

Rylee's first tooth came through on May 2nd. It was her front, bottom right one. Then within the week her other front bottom tooth came in. She was a little fussy during, not during the day, but she'd wake up every once in awhile at night. She never got a fever from it but her nose constantly ran. We also started a lot more foods with Rylee over the past month. She still loves her puffs and will eat those whenever and wherever. But we also started the chicken, turkey, beef, and mac & cheese baby foods. I think we've almost tried all of the stage 2 gerber foods now and she loves them all. Everyonce in a while she gets something from mom and dad's plate too. She's really good at picking food up now and feeding herself.

Here she is with a Biter Biscuit. It was a lot of fun for her but pretty darn messy. It was all over her face, hair, tray, and hands. Its definitely bath time after biscuits.

What a cute messy face!

Rylee also started pulling herself up on furniture this month. These crib pictures are from the last day before we lowered her crib down all the way. She can still pull herself up, but now she can just barely peek over the crib rather than standing all the way up and looking like she is going to climb right out.

Pulling herself up...

...and she's up and smiling.

Rylee had her 9 month appointment on May 9th. It was just a wellness visit, but no shots this time (yeah). Unfortunately we found out she had another ear infection. We didn't even know. With her teeth coming in we just assumed all of her ear infection signs were just because of her teeth coming in...poor girl. This puts her at 6 which means our doctor referred us to the ENT doctor for tubes. She is scheduled for June 5th to get her tubes put in. It's a quick 10 minute procedure but we still wish she didn't have to have it. We've talked to other parents who's childeren have had tubes put in and they all say it's the best thing to do. We don't want her to keep getting more ear infections and then constantly being on antibiotics, so we kind of feel its our only option. Other than that, her doctor said she looks great! She is slowing down in weight gain but it's because she is SO active. She's dropped down to the 30th percentile in weight. She's tall and skinny now. Here's her measurements:

Weight: 17 lbs. 9 ozs. (30th percentile)

Height: 28.5 inches (90th percentile)

Head: 45 cms. (75th percentile)


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big she's getting - just crazy to think last year over Memorial Weekend we were up in the U.P. having your shower! Time has flown! She's just an adorable little girl! Will we get to see you over the up in the U.P.? I hope so!

Take Care,


Journey to our baby said...

She is such a CUTIE! Glad to hear everything is going well, and I hope her procedure with tubes goes well.