Even though Sadie turns 8 months in a few days I am not going to skip her 7 month post. I have had these pictures up and ready for a long time but had not had a chance to write anything and I'm finally getting around to it. Funny how when you have 2 kids it takes you that much longer to find time to do things than when you had one ;) Actually there is a lot to note from month 6 to 7. On December 15th she got her first tooth, the bottom right one. Then 2 weeks later the bottom left one popped through. I haven't pinned her down yet to get any good pictures of it but in some of her closeups if you zoom in you can see.
The other big news is she started to crawl! Around Christmas time she started and by New Year's she was a pro at it. I was kind of surprised that she started crawling so early but I guess she's just trying to keep up with her big sis. Let me tell you, now that she crawls, its a whole new ball game. She goes anywhere and everywhere. We were at the Dippold's house hanging out one of the first few days of her crawling. All of a sudden I said "where's Sadie?" We had taken our eyes off of her for a second and she was already under their Christmas tree playing with the trunk. We quickly learned what its like to have a new crawler in our house again. Rylee loves that Sadie crawls now. The first few days Rylee would yell to us everytime when Sadie was crawling "Sadie crawling, Sadie crawling." Now she helps us and is constantly saying "No, no Sadie." Speaking of "no, no" Sadie also learned her first "trick" this month. She shakes her head back and forth for"no, no, no". Most of the time when she does it though her mouth is wide open and she is laughing as she does it.
She looks so proud of her new skill. I took a little video of her crawling but I haven't downloaded it all yet. I'll have to do that soon so you can really see her move.
We had to lower her crib mattress all the way down. We lowered it to the middle stage but once she learned how to pull herself up, she looked like she was going to climb over. She also started chewing on the crib so down the matress went. She still stands up but at least she's not going anywhere and not chewing the side rail.

Once she turned 6 months we started her on baby food. I think we pretty much tried all the vegetables and fruits this month. She is defintely not the best eater. She can be good at times and eat it all but other times she spits it out. I might have a fussy eater like me on my hands. Her favorites are sweet potatoes, carrots and applesauce. She is not a big fan of green beans, peas, or peaches. Hopefully she will get a little better in this department.
Unfortunately this month she also had 2 ear infections. Actually it was just one but it took two rounds of antibiotics to get rid of it. So she was on antibiotics for 20 days. Not good. She might be taking after Rylee in this way.
It's really amazing how fast she is growing up! Now that she crawls and stands on furniture I feel like she all of a sudden she is so much older and not my little baby anymore. Luckily she still lets me cuddle with her and rock her at night like she is my little baby. I love that!