Thursday, January 14, 2010


We had a wonderful Christmas! Once again Santa spoiled us all. Thanks Santa :)
Rylee was kind of in awe Christmas morning when she came downstairs and saw so many presents. She was reallly cute. She showed Sadie and said "look, look Sadie". Rylee enjoyed opening her presents but she did take her time and also watched other people open theirs too. I kind of expected her just to rush from one to the next but instead she took it all in.

The 3 of them opening up a present from Gramma and Grampa. They all got new soft green blankets that have NMU football and their name embroidered on it. Rylee has slept with hers everyday since she got it. She calls it her "Papa's team blankie". She will not go to bed without it.

Sadie started to crawl right around Christmas. Christmas morning she was busy moving around checking out everything.

Quincy got hockey sticks and nets. He wanted to play with it right away.

Rylee opening a big present.

It's a princess tent! She picked it up and said "heaby" (which is her heavy). The princess tent was a huge hit! We set it up that day and I think everyone in my family (including all the adults) took their turn of going in the tent to play with the little ones.

Quincy got a sled and Rylee pulled him around the house in it. Again saying "heaby".

The best part of Christmas morning was that my sister got engaged! Alex proposed to Vanessa after we were done opening presents. We are all so excited and so happy for them!


That afternoon the Truscott's (my mom's side of the family) came over for Christmas. We hung out and had "happy hour" during the day and later had a huge turkey and ham dinner with all the fixings. It was a great Christmas and lots of fun with family!

Rylee and Sadie hanging out in the princess tent. Sadie really wasn't to sure about it at first but she did stay in there for awhile and watched everyone else climb in and out.

Sadie hanging with her uncles.

Great Grandma Sally and Sadie

GG Sally cuddling with the other two.

Grandma with her grandkids and great grandkids. We took so many of these pictures and in everyone someone either wasn't looking, had their eyes closed, or was making a stupid face (I won't mention any names). My auntie Susie was taking them with her camera too so hopefully she got a good one.

The day after Christmas we went to my Auntie Diane's house for the Anderson Christmas. It was crazy, chaotic, and fun as usual. Unfortunately my Uncle Gary and Uncle Dave's families did not make it this year but I think we still had close to 40 people there. Lots of little ones running around and I loved every bit of it. Brad had made BBQ ribs and BBQ pulled pork ahead of time for everyone. It was a request from the family. It was very yummy! I was bummed I forgot my camera so I didn't get to take pictures from this night. Marissa did take some pictures of Sadie and Addy so at least we got that. Thanks Marissa.

Sadie and Addy checking each other out.

They are only a week apart. It will be fun to watch them grow up together.


Marissa said...

Cute pics! You guys must have been very good - looks like Santa really spoiled you :)Miss ya!

Auntie Bailey said...

When I was looking for my presents, I saw a lot of Rylee's presents. I gave them to her, one after another, thinking she would start tearing them all open, but she opened one, then watched everyone else. So cute! =D She wanted me to go in the tent with her, after a while I asked her if she wanted me to leave, she said "No! Auntie stay and play with me." Such a big girl now! :)
Rylee, Quincy, and Sadie are growing up so fast! You gotta love those kids! =D