Wednesday, December 12, 2007

4 Months Old

Rylee turned 4 months old on Monday. She had a Dr.'s appointment that day. Even if she didn't have one already scheduled we would have had to take her in anyways. We knew she wasn't feeling good over the weekend. Saturday night she woke up 4 times and was screaming in pain. Usually if she cries all we have to do is pick her up and she calms down. Not this was such a helpless feeling. Come to find out she has an ear infection in her left ear. The Dr. put her on antibiotics and she already is doing a lot better. Last night she slept from 8:30-5:30 woke up for a few minutes to eat and then went right back down to sleep until we had to wake her a little after 7 for daycare. I am so glad that she is feeling better. She was supposed to have her shots at her appointment but because she was sick they rescheduled them for the 21st. They did take all of her measurements. Since her 2 month appointment she has thinned out a little and gotten a little taller. Her head has pretty much stayed in the 75th percentile the whole time.

Weight: 14 lbs and 11 oz's (80th percentile)
Height: 25.5 inches (92nd percentile)
Head circumference: 42 cm (75th percentile)

Rylee is still a happy go lucky baby. We are having so much fun with her. She talks more than ever now. Most of the time it is squealing (almost cat like noises). She is getting better on her tummy and holds herself up now. She loves to play in her Baby Einstein exersaucer and she is great at holding her toys. She is still obsessed with her own hands too. She is constantly putting her fist in her mouth. The Dr. did look for teeth and nothing yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow - 4 months already!! Can't wait to meet her and see you all again (hopefully in a few weeks!)