Monday, February 23, 2009

18 Months Old

18 Months

Rylee had her 18 month Dr.'s appt. last week. She had her last shot for awhile, yeah! She really doesn't like doctors/dentist offices. As soon as Dr. Slaven walked in she clung to me and started wining and the doctor hadn't even done anything yet. I don't blame her though, who likes shots, x-rays, heel pricks, etc. She has another dentist appointment in a few weeks to take more x-rays of her upper mouth. I'm already dreading that but hoping for good news. Rylee's stats really haven't changed much in the last few months. The doctor thinks her height was measured wrong last time because she only grew 1/4 in. this time but yet she has grown out of some of her pants in the length, so we thought she grew more. They lay her down to meausure her so it is hard to get an exact measurement. But her trend of being tall, skinny, and having a big head (full of brains of course) continues.

18 Month Stats
Height: 32.5 in. (70th percentile)
Weight: 21 lbs 11 oz's (15th percentile)
Head: 48 cm (90th percentile)

She is getting her i-teeth. One on the bottom and one on the top have popped through but just a very little bit. We're still waiting for the others to pop through. It seems like it is taking forever for these 4 teeth to come in. We have had a lot of days with runny noses.

Runny nose and kleenex in hand, but still cute.

Her vocabulary is improving a little each day. She still talks a lot in her own language but we are trying to get her to use her words more. Here's a list of some of her new words that she says. Most of these words we have to tell her to say and then she repeats it but sometimes she uses them on her own.
-yeah (not yes, its' yeah)
-thank you
-love you (its really cute, it sounds like "au jus" like the french dip sandwich)
-oww (when she hurts herself, or barely bumps into something)

Rylee is a busy little girl right now. Here's a list of her likes and dislikes.

Rylee loves:

-Running around with her stroller (she does laps around our first floor) She's usually not in high heeled shoes like she is in this picture but that brings me to her next "love"

-Shoes (especially her crocs, my slippers, and my high heels)

-Her baby dolls and stuffed animals (in the following 2 pictures she decided she wanted to play with all of them at once)

- Chilling in her chair (reading or just relaxing with her head up on her football pillow)

-Playing with her bowls and spoons from her kitchen and tea set (she is constantly feeding her babies and stuffed animals)
-Pretending to put on make-up like mom (she's got the Bare Minerals "swirl, tap, apply" method down pat)
-Cuddling with her blankie (she has to sleep with her blankie and she likes to chew on the corners)
-To sit on people's laps and have them read to her
-Feeding herself applesauce, pudding, ice cream or anything else that requires a bowl and spoon

Rylee does not like:
- Mom or dad to brush her teeth (she wants to do it herself - I think she is still traumatized from her fall when we basically pinned her down for a few weeks to wash her gums and teeth)
- Mom to do her hair (I would love to put barrettes, headbands, or pigtails in but she doesn't let me touch it or if she does she takes it out right away)
-Transition (sometimes she doesn't like to get ready in the morning to go to daycare but then sometimes she doesn't like me to get her ready to leave daycare either)
-Doctors offices


Marissa said...

She's getting so big!! Love all the pics and the update :) Too cute!

Stacey said...

Very cute! Her hair has grown so much in the last 6 months too - love the curls! We have lots of drool in our house these days too...I'm wondering if they're the dreaded molars that I remember Rylee having such a hard time with..we'll see...