Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Our Girls (I love how proud Rylee looks)

Rylee talking to Sadie. She likes to get right up close to her face and "baby" talk to her.

Like I mentioned before, Rylee loves to hold Sadie! She pats her lap and says "baby, mine" over and over again until we let her hold Sadie. She doesn't even care if Sadie is crying, she still wants to hold her. It is hard sometimes cause she doesn't understand that she can't always hold her when she wants to. But I am not complaining, we are so glad that she shows interest in her sister and likes her instead of the opposite. It was really cute the other day Sadie was crying and Rylee came up and gave Sadie her blankie. Rylee loves her blankie (alot!) so I was impressed that she shared it with her sister.

I think it is sweet how she gives Sadie kisses on her forehead.

Here she is trying to shove the pacifier in Sadie's mouth. She likes to help and make sure her sister has it (whether she wants it or not). We are trying to teach Rylee not to touch the swing because she will walk by and push the swing and say "wee". She doesn't quite understand that we don't push this swing, that it goes on its own.

On her tippy toes and helping mom give Sadie a bath.

As you can see, Rylee is my little helper...most of the time. She has shown a little more attitude lately than usual. I am sure it is her just trying to get the attention. I try not to lose my patience but she certainly knows how to test it at times. Overall, we are really happy with how she is adjusting to being a big sister!


Stacey said...

Very cute pictures!! Glad to hear there's sister love in the house! If you guys pick up any great sibling tips over the next few months, we're all ears =)

Anonymous said...

Tara doesn't remember becoming a "big sister" but she sure loves hearing the stories about Tanner's first few minutes after arriving home from the hospital. He was very fussy after the car ride, and getting out of a snowsuit. Tara just stared as he screamed and I held him on my lap and kissed him, and tried to calm him. She was just barely 16 months old, and was talking like crazy, but only words - not sentences yet. After listening to him scream for about 5 minutes, and seeing him finally calm down, she walked over to me as I held him on the couch and tugged on my sleeve. Pointing to the door she said with a disgusted voice, "Mamma, baby OUT!" Well... over the years they have become incredibly close, and now she realizes just how special he is - especially when she "hangs out" with all the cute friends he brings over to our house! ENJOY all these fun, precious times! We'll certainly love keeping up-to-date through the blog, as Rylee and Sadie continue their journey through "sister-hood!" Auntie Susie