Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Rylee Dawn Spindler

Our Blessing From Above

Rylee Dawn Spindler

August 10, 2007

7 lbs. 11 oz. , 20.5 in.

Thursday (August 9th) Brad and I went to bed like it was any other night. By midnight I was up and started to feel some cramping but I wasn't sure if they were contractions or not. I tried to go back to sleep but by 2 AM they were a lot worse so I decided to wake Brad up. Surprisingly we both stayed calm and timed the contractions for the next hour. They were consistently 2 minutes apart so we decided it was time to call the Dr.'s office. Of course he told us to come on in. So we showered (again - it surprises me how calm we were) and packed up the car. By the time we got to the hospital my contractions were a lot worse! They had me skip the Triage and put me right in the Labor and Delivery room. For the next 3 hours I walked around and sat on the birthing ball while my contractions continued to get worse and worse. Rylee was posterior so I was mostly feeling everything in my back...which hurt more than I had imagined. At 6:30 in the morning I was 6 cm. dilated and decided it was time to have the epidural. I just didn't want to deal with that back pain anymore! I continued to dilate how I was suppose to so I didn't need pitosin (which I was happy about) and by 10:30 I was fully dilated and ready to start pushing. I pushed from 11 til 11:57 and then our baby girl was born! It was the most exciting and emotional moment in our lives! We are so thankful for our precious miracle from God - Rylee Dawn.


Jill said...

Congratulations Brooke and Brad! Rylee is sooo beautiful! God sure has his way of pouring out blessings! Your labor sounded a lot like mine, but you were smart to get the epidural when you did. It sure made the delivery more enjoyable, I bet.

Congratulations again-
Jill, Caleb, and Owen Lamz

Abby said...

She is even sweeter in person. Great photos! We love her so much and can't wait to watch her grow to be big as Beau- well almost as big.
Ryan, Abby and Beau William

Aunty Jeanne said...

Congratulations, Brooke & Brad. Wonderful news. Rylee is beautiful & absolutely perfect. Nice to see your whole family looking so happy. I have been checking your website every day hoping for pictures. Now I call tell Uncle Gerry how wonderful everybody looks & how adorable Rylee is. Much love to you. Aunty Jeanne

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