I haven't done an "update" on Rylee since her birthday and I thought it was about time (especially for my own records). She has grown up a lot over the last 3 months. The biggest thing that we notice is that she understands everything we say now (well hopefully not everything but you know what I mean). When we talk to her you can tell she knows what we are saying which is so much fun. She doesn't exactly talk back but her actions show that she understands. She is saying a few words now, but not a lot.
Here's a list of her "vocabulary":
Here's a list of her "vocabulary":
-Quincy ("incee")
-Quincy ("incee")
-football ("ootbaa")
-all done ("da don")
-see ya ("ee ya")
She also LOVES to read now. Before she was more interested in just turning the pages but the past few months she has been obsessed with her books. She sits in her little red chair and looks at them or she will bring one to you and just plop down on your lap so you can read it to her. She is getting really good at pointing out the animals and objects when you ask her too. In "I Love You Through and Through" she points to the teddy bear on every page now before you even ask her too.
Her favorite books right now are:
1. Mr. Brown can Moo can You?
2. Goodnight Moon
3. I Love You Through and Through
4. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
5. Where is Baby's Belly Button?
6. All of her little board Sesame Street books that are about 2"x 2"
She also likes to draw now so we have to be careful with leaving our pens around. The other day I caught her writing on my ottoman, luckily I caught her before she colored all over it. During football games my mom would give her a pen and paper from her purse to keep her occupied and it usually did for awhile. Eventually Rylee got smart enough and when she is around my mom she goes right for her purse. Although my mom always carries treats in her purse too so I am sure that has something to do with it as well. Daycare told me she is starting to show a lot of interest in "craft time" and sits with the older kids and colors or tries to get involved with what they are doing.
Rylee is still a pretty good eater although somedays are better than others. She usually prefers to use her fork or spoon. I am pretty impressed at how good she is with her utensils. She loves applesauce! I put it in a little bowl for her and she uses her spoon and eats it so good by herself. Its cute to watch her concentrate and scrape every last bit out from the bowl. She has been completely off the bottle since her birthday and had no problem giving it up and going to sippy cups. She uses regular sippy cups and the ones with the straws. Oh, and she has 12 teeth. Her 4 molars came in between 13-14 months, which was a pretty rough time. I guess her I-teeth are next and I really hope those don't affect her like the molars did.
And one of my favorite things she has been doing for the past few months is giving kisses. She opens her mouth and kisses you right on the lips. Usually I have to ask her for a kiss but every once in awhile she will randomly come up to me and give me a big kiss, which I LOVE!
15 Month Stats
Weight: 20 lbs. and 6 ozs. (12th %)
Height: 32 1/4 inches (90th %)
Head: 47 1/2 cm. (90th %)
Seems Rylee and the girls are into the same books.
It is good to see she knows her signs. The girls know about 30 as of now. They really like to watch the signing times dvd's.
Let us know when you will be up again, maybe we can get the girls together.
Quincy Misses You Rylee!!!!
love from michigan! <3
brooke!!!!!!! u 4 got 1 word in her vocabulary!!!!!!!!!! auntie bailey (ba)!!!!!!!!!!!!
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